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Peter Pan

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Peter Pan

Weitere Informationen

Schauspiel mit Musik in sehr einfachem Englisch
nach James Matthew Barrie
Bühnenbearbeitung: Paul Stebbings
Regie: Gail Sixsmith
Musik: Paul Flush

Peter Pan lebt auf der Insel 'Neverland' und ist das einzige Kind, das niemals erwachsen wird. Eines Nachts, bei einem Ausflug nach London, treffen Peter Pan und die kleine Fee Tinkerbell das Mädchen Wendy. Peter Pan nimmt Wendy mit nach 'Neverland'. Dort erleben sie gemeinsam viele Abenteuer, denn die Piraten um Captain Hook machen die Insel unsicher...

Seit mehr als 100 Jahren hat 'Peter Pan' seinen festen Platz in der Kinderliteratur. Nun verleiht TNT Theatre Britain dem Klassiker neuen Glanz und entführt das Publikum in eine fantastische Welt. Aktionsreiches Spiel, Poesie, Masken und Musik erwecken die spannende Geschichte in einfachstem Englisch zum Leben. Die Inszenierung ist für Sprachanfänger ab der 6. Klasse geeignet.

PETER PAN is perhaps the finest novel ever written for young people. Since its publication in 1904 it has been dramatised, filmed and even sung across the globe. Peter Pan is the child who will never grow up, an eternal boy from the magic world of Neverland. There he lives with the Lost Boys, a gang of abandoned children. But Neverland is no paradise, it is populated by wild wolves, Red Indian warriors and fierce Pirates. The fiercest of the pirates is Captain Hook, one of the most famous "bad guys" in literature. He too is hunted, by a crocodile whose approach is signaled by the tick tock of the alarm clock the beast once swallowed. And yes there are fairies too, but they are rather bad tempered and jealous spirits - the most famous of whom is Tinkerbell. Into this troubled world comes Wendy, a Victorian English girl who Peter lures from her comfortable London existence to Neverland where she becomes the Lost Boy's mother and starts to forget her former life and own mother. But Neverland will not stand still and the Pirates make a bold plan to defeat the Lost Boys. Wendy and Peter must learn that childhood cannot last forever.

TNT creates a fast moving and dynamic version of this masterpiece, in simple and clear English. Like the original this production may be aimed at the young but will enchant theatre goers of every age - especially those of us who hope we have not truly grown up and forgotten the magic of our own imagination.

The play is written by award winning theatre artist Paul Stebbings and directed by Gail Sixsmith who has worked for TNT for almost twenty years. The score is by noted composer Paul Flush.


"If young people need persuading to go to the theatre then TNT is the company to see" SUDKURIER

"TNT are known as the most popular touring theatre company in the world" China National TV

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